Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The reason for the new title and picture

Don't you think my new title and picture is awesome? Don't you think it's deep and meaningful? Well this post is about why I chose this quote (title) and picture. First of all, I found the quote then I had to find a matching picture it was quite simple really, the quote "When you have completed 95% of your journey, you are only half way there." was from a Japanese proverb quote. I chose this quote because it goes with my favorite sentence "so close yet so far". It is really descriptive and it tells you how your journey never ends in any kind of way. But it might be a bit confusing because 95% is like almost the WHOLE thing but it says "only half way there". Maybe it's saying there are more beyond the journey you are on, more to it.

Look at the picture...
Look at the road and see how long it is? Doesn't it match the quote? Look at the guy with his dog, the guy would be saying "What the? My GPS says the finish line was right here! Where the heck did it go?" and the dog would say "Yeah, Where it go? I have no idea... maybe it is a way of telling us there is more ahead!" and guess what? The dog is right!

Picture URL:

1 comment:

Claire said...

Chatty style! I like it.